Tag Archives: mahameru

Semeru (or Semeroe, Smeroe, Smiru) volcano is situated in Malang dan Lumajang region, East Java. The summit of Mt. Semeru is Mahameru (+ 3676 m asl) which is located at 08°06’30” south latitude and 112°55′ east longitude and is the highest peak in Java. In the southern part of the summit grows the young active crater which has been erupting since the nineteenth century, namely Jonggring Seloko crater. Small vulcanian explosions have occurred at intervals of between 10 minutes to one hour. These have been the characteristic of Mt. Semeru since 1967. The flank of Semeru streching eastward, reaches the plain of Lumajang and Pasirian. Westward, the flanks spread over the plain of Malang and Turen. Northward, the flank is bounded by Jambangan complex that consists of : Ayek-ayek, Ranu Kumbolo and Mt.Kepolo. Southward, the foot of Semeru is bounded by the southern mountain (Tertiary mountain range). The irregular shaped…

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